3 ‘Launch Day’ differentiated lesson plans based on the Year 5 Cornerstone’s ‘Alchemy Island’ cross-curricular scheme of work. Lesson 1 - Geography; Lesson 2 - Science (Materials), and Lesson 3 Music (Composition)
This is a slide show of the first three planned lessons from the Year 5 Cornerstones ‘Alchemy Island’ unit and is linked to the lesson plans I have uploaded to this website. These 3 initial lessons can be taught separately or in one day to introduce the topic to your class. They include a geography, science and music lesson.
PowerPoint slide show. Three initial lessons based on the Cornerstones, Year 5, ‘Alchemy Island’ scheme of work. First 3 lessons included: Geography (Co-ordinates), Science (Materials - Chemistry) and Music. These lessons could be taught separately or in one day to kick start the unit.